Yao Ding

Growth Manager at Solana


Yao Ding is Solana's Growth Manager and previously worked at Bybit, Amazon, Volkswagen and Fosun Group.

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Relevance Person

Eugene Cheung

Eugene Cheung is the Vice President and Institutional Head of Bybit. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong and Illinois Institute of Technology.

Emiliano Bonassi

Angel investor, Web3 researcher, and investor with a strong interest in security; former manager at AWS Cloud and Yearn Finance.

Gajesh Naik

Gajesh Naik is a senior software engineer at Eigen Labs and previously a software engineer at LayerZero. He is also an angel investor.

Haichao Zhu

Haichao Zhu is the co-founder of Rooch Network and has worked on Algorand, Solana and other projects.

Derek Rein

Derek Rein is the Chief Technology Officer of WalletConnect and was previously a software development engineer at Amazon. He holds a master's degree in computer science from the Technical University of Munich.


Ted is a co-founder of DILL, and was previously a co-founder and CTO of Secure3, a software engineer at Amazon, and a founding developer at CertiK. He has a master's degree in computer science from Yale University.

Hannah Shen

Hannah Shen is the former Global Growth at Mask Network. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Government from Harvard and pursing a technical MBA degree at MIT. She is a Shanghai native and have lived & studied in China, US, Japan, and Germany.

Jarry Xiao

Jarry Xiao is a co-founder of Phoenix and was previously an engineer at Solana and Citadel Securities. He graduated from the School of Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.

Jack Tao

Jack Tao is the founder and CEO of Phemex. He participated in the early development of Bybit and served as a senior executive at Morgan Stanley for many years.

Jordan Hagan

Jordan Hagan is the Co-Founder and COO of Fastlane. He is an engineer and manager with a passion for technology and creating excellent products. He has mainly worked for companies in the IoT or cloud computing industries, such as Halter (a Founders Fund portfolio company) and AWS. He has over 15 years of experience in the tech sector.