Gajesh Naik

Sr Software Engineer at EigenLayer


Gajesh Naik is a senior software engineer at Eigen Labs and previously a software engineer at LayerZero. He is also an angel investor.


-- -- $ 1 M
Jul 29

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Teddy Knox

Teddy Knox is a Senior research engineer at EigenLayer and was previously Head of engineering at Duality and a senior software engineer at LinkedIn.

Matt Sorg

Matt Sorg is Vice President of technology at Solana and was previously a data scientist at Riot Games and co-founder of Concha Labs. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Washington.

Can Sun

Can Sun is co-founder and Head of Legal at Backpack Exchange and was previously General Counsel at FTX. Previously, he was the General Counsel at FTX. Can holds a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from Yale Law School and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University

Alan Curtis

Alan Curtis is COO of EigenLayer and was previously CEO of Rio Network, Head of PlatformBlockchain Capital, CTO of Core Scientific, and CEO of RADAR.


0xbeachball is the founder of Synonym Finance and was previously a contributor to New Order, Notional, and LayerZero.

Ishaan Hiranandani

Ishaan Hiranandani is Strategy Lead at EigenLayer and was previously a product manager at jpmorgan Chase andan investor in Jump Crypto. He graduated from the University of Michigan.

Noah Dummett

Noah Dummett is Co-Founder of Shuffle. Previously OTC at Alameda Research, Head of Client Relations at, Client Support Specialist at BitMEX.

Haichao Zhu

Haichao Zhu is the co-founder of Rooch Network and has worked on Algorand, Solana and other projects.

Soubhik Deb

Soubhik Deb is Head of protocol research at EigenLayer and was previously a research associate at the University of Washington. He holds a Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Washington.

Oliver Sleafer

Oliver Sleafer is CFO of Backpack and previously served as Head of liquidity Management for Asia Pacific at Stripe. He is a graduate of Birkbeck College, University of London and the University of Westminster.