Vlad Zamfir is a researcher at Ethereum Foundation and a former snowboard instructor. He holds a BA in Mathematics from the University of Guelph.
Work Experience

Relevance Person

Bob Summerwill
Bob Summerwill is currently the Head of Ecosystems at BlockApps and previously served as the Executive Director of ETC Cooperative. He has been working full-time on blockchain projects since late 2015. In his early years, Bob worked on Ethereum and Hyperledger before moving to Ethereum Classic, where his interest in privacy projects grew. Bob has been programming since 1984 and working as a professional software engineer since 1996 (mostly working on AAA video games). Originally from the UK, he has lived in Vancouver since 2003 and is now a dual citizen of Canada and the UK. He was the basis for the creation of the Enterprise Ethernet Alliance, and worked on the project full-time from October 2016 to October 2017 for ConsenSys. He co-presented the technical roadmap at the EEA launch and served first as Secretary of the Technical Working Group and then as Vice-Chair of the Technical Steering Committee. Prior to that role, he spent some time at the Ethernet Foundation.

Carl Beekhuizen
Carl Beekhuizen is a Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation.

Sina Habibian
Sina Habibian is a Web3 builder who previously worked with the Ethereum Foundation and truebit. He grew up in Iran and moved to Canada at the age of 14, after which he graduated in engineering physics from the University of British Columbia. His investments include Flashbots, Phantom, Privy, Sound, Splits, Socket, Euler, Goldfinch, Llama, PartyDAO, Agora, Worldcoin, Neynar, Farcaster.

Mike Neuder
Mike Neuder is a Researcher at the Ethereum Foundation and previously a software engineer at Google. He holds a master's degree in computer science and engineering from Harvard University.

Danny Ryan
Danny Ryan is the co-founder of Etherealize and a former researcher at the Ethereum Foundation. Previously, Danny served as the lead coordinator for Ethereum's transition to the Proof-of-Stake consensus system, **The Merge**, overseeing the launch of the Beacon Chain in 2021. He also contributed to the Ethereum Foundation blog, providing updates on the progress of Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs).

Christian Reitwiessner
Dr. Christian Reitwiessner is Team Lead at Ethereum, Creator of Solidity - looking for C++ engineers. Created the smart contract programming language Solidity and worked on the C++ implementation of Ethereum. Ethereum is a blockchain-based trusted and transparent decentralised computing platform and Solidity is a statically typed programming language that compiles to the bytecode native to the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Vitalik Buterin
Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-born Canadian programmer and writer who is best known as one of the co-founders of Ethereum. He became involved with cryptocurrency early on, co-founding Bitcoin Magazine in 2011.

Tim Beiko
Tim Beiko is the Head of Protocol Support at the Ethereum Foundation and has served as ConsenSys Product Manager.

Trent Van Epps
Trent Van Epps is Ecosystem Person at Ethereum Foundation. Formerly, Community Manager Lead at ETHGlobal. He is a 2014 graduate of the University at Buffalo’s program in Architecture. Looking to engage fulltime with the crypto industry, experience in product management, narratives, and marketing.

Tomasz Stanczak
Tomasz Kajetan Stańczak is the Co-Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation, as well as the founder of Nethermind and Oiler Protocol and a board member of StarkNet. Before joining the Ethereum Foundation, he held roles at CME Group, Citi, and other leading financial institutions.