Stephanie Lemmerman

Chief Financial Officer at Dapper Labs


Stephanie Lemmerman is the Chief Financial Officer at Dapper Labs. She graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Education Experience

Relevance Person

Matthieu Jobbé-Duval

Matt Jobbe Duval is co-founder of Coinwatch and former head of financial products at Dapper Labs.

Joe Gerber

Joe Gerber is the founder of IDEO CoLab Ventures and was previously a senior Product Manager at Fidelity Investments.

Hongbo Wen

Hongbo Wen is the co-founder at Nubit. He is a senior Ph.D. student (on-leave) at UCSB, with a B.S. from Tsinghua University. His research in blockchain security has led to the discovery of numerous zero-day vulnerabilities and prevalent flaw patterns, particularly in smart contracts and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Circuits. His notable work includes the pioneering paper 'ZKAP' on identifying bug patterns within ZKP Circuits, presented at USENIX Sec '24.

Hanzhi Liu

Hanzhi Liu is the co-founder at Nubit. He is a Ph.D. student (on-leave) at UCSB, with a B.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research is centered on program verification, language semantics, and compiler optimizations. He has written formal proofs for most of the Ethereum Foundation PSE's projects and has discovered numerous zero-day vulnerabilities. He authored a notable paper on certifying ZKP circuits, accepted for S&P 2024, and has worked on mitigating on-chain attacks.

Colin Goltra

Colin Goltra is the former COO at YGG and the Director of Southeast Asia at Binance, the world's largest Cryptocurrency platform, where he is focused on expanding markets, access, and infrastructure for Crypto throughout the Philippines & Southeast Asia. Colin is an avid collector of NFT-based Crypto Art and an active proponent of Filipino self-empowerment in the Crypto-Metaverse. Along with Gabby Dizon, Colin co-created the Narra Gallery, a virtual gallery space and cultural capital fund meant to help bridge the divide between the Philippines and the crypto world. His thoughts on the Crypto Art movement have also been featured globally in 'The Wall Street Journal,' 'The New York Times Magazine,' as well as numerous other crypto and NFT ecosystem publications.

Andrea Muttoni

Andrea Muttoni is the director of developer relations at Story Protocol and previously was the Director of developer Relations at Dapper Labs. He is a graduate of UCLA Anderson School of Management and Bocconi University.

Caty Tedman

Caty Tedman is the founder of artificial intelligence application sipply and was previously senior vice president of partnerships at Dapper Labs.

Binyi Chen

Binyi Chen is Chief Cryptozoologist at Espresso Systems and holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Kerry Fischer

Kerry Fischer is the former Senior Vice President of People at Dapper Labs, responsible for the company's global people operations, talent strategy, recruiting, compensation, and internal communications programs. She previously served as the Chief Human Resources Officer at Binance.US.

Lana Schwartzman

Lana Schwartzman is the Head of Regulatory and Compliance at Notabene, a compliance solutions provider. She previously served as the Chief Compliance Officer at Dapper Labs.