Stephan D. Meyer is Co-Founder and Chief Legal Officer of Obligate. He graduated with a PhD from the University of Zurich, has worked for many years at the Swiss Army, and is a lecturer at the University of Lucerne in the field of blockchain and smart contracts.
Work Experience
Education Experience
Relevance Person
Benedikt Bünz
Benedikt Bunz is the co-founder and chief scientist of Espresso Systems. He is a graduate of Stanford University and the University of Zurich.
Patrick Oerer
Patrick Oerer is the founder and CEO of Meta Earth. He graduated from the University of Zurich with a degree in finance and International management and has over 21 years of experience in the financial industry.
Daniel Schoenberger
Daniel Schoenberger is General Counsel of the Mina Foundation and previously served as Chief Legal Officer of the Web3 Foundation. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Zurich.
Robert Lauko
Robert Lauko is Head of research at Liquity and was previously a researcher at Internet Computer/Dfinity. He graduated from the University of Zurich.
Christian Dollfus
Dr. Christian Dollfus is the CEO and Founder at CEEX.
Francesco Adiliberti
Francesco Adiliberti is Chief Operating Officer of Keyrock and co-founder of BaseDEX. He previously worked at Amber Group, HSBC, Nomisma and Goldman Sachs. He graduated from the University of Zurich.