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Shuyin Ong

Head of Compliance at Signum Capital


Shuyin is the Head of Compliance at Signum Capital.She holds a LLM. from Singapore Management University and LLB. from the University of London.

Relevance Person

Ian Lee

Ian Lee is a General Partner at Signum Capital, where he is responsible for research and project analysis, and provides valuable input and strategic planning.

Yang Yang

Yang Yang is Investment Lead at Signum Capital, leading the investments in technical and Infrastructure level projects. Yang holds a Ph.D and a B.Eng from NTU, where he received his engineering as well as business training.

Tavia Wong

Tavia Wong is the Founding Executive and Chief Marketing & Partnerships Officer at Credbull. She previously served as the Business Director at aelf and Vice President of Global Marketing and Business Development at Cobo. She graduated from Singapore Management University.

Zac Cheah

Zac Cheah is the CEO at Pundi X, Sub Council Member at Function X. Presively he worked at Opera. He graduated from Singapore Management University, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan and Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU).

Wen Loong Lau

Wen Loong Lau is the Head of venture Capital and ecosystem Growth at Qredo and previously served as associate director at Tembusu Partners and Blue Ocean Capital Partners. He graduated from Singapore Management University.

Yaqing Bie

Yaqing Bie is the Chief Legal Officer of Tokka Labs and was previously the Singapore Executive Technology Lead for He graduated from Singapore Management University.

Jonathan Jek Sheng Lim

Jonathan Jek Sheng Lim is the head of Binance Card and Binance Payments at Binance and previously held positions at Tencent and Visa. He is a graduate of Singapore Management University and the Information Technology University of Copenhagen.

Qingchen Gao

Qingchen Gao is the co-founder of ZKAmoeba and previously worked at HTX. She graduated from the University of Hong Kong and Singapore Management University.

Bing Liang

Bing Liang is the Director of Marketing at MetaRisk Labs, where he is also a senior product specialist at InsurAce. He graduated from Renmin University of China and Singapore Management University.

Eugene Ng

Eugene Ng, the co-founder of OpenEden and a partner at DWF LABS, was fired in late October 2024 for allegedly drugging women while drunk. Presively he worked as Head of Business Development for Asia Pacific at Gemini and Matrixport. Eugene Ng graduated from New York University-Stern School of Business.