Shu Dong is the Founder of Mizu&Hexlink. Presively he was the Software Engineer at Meta.
Work Experience
Education Experience
Relevance Person
Zihao Chen
Zihao Chen is the Software Engineer at Hexlink. Presively he worked at Meta.
Guillermo Angeris
Guillermo is a Stanford lifer (BS, MS, and PhD in Electrical Engineering). He spends most of his work time in a dark corner of a room, figuring out random math problems for fun. He also loves to work with teams to model many of the weird (and fascinating) incentives in DeFi and beyond. Outside of work, Guillermo likes to cook pizza, hike, and have long, silly conversations with friends over wine.
Abhinav Vora
Abhinav Vora is the co-founder and CEO of Hyperline. He was previously the head of engineering at Lyft Pink and a software engineer at Meta and Microsoft. He graduated from RMIT University.
Sahil Thaker
Sahil Thaker is the co-founder of Hyperline and previously worked at Microsoft, Uber, and Meta. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Oakland.
Mind Apivessa
Mind Apivessa is the co-founder of Station Labs, previously held positions at Meta and IBM. He graduated from Cornell University in the United States.
Yong Xu
Yong Xu is the co-founder of Debank. He graduated from Tongji University majoring in information security.
Abbey Titcomb
Abbey Titcomb is Head of Community & Governance at Radicle. Former Associate at UnderscoreVC. Researching crypto-economic models and system designs for commons-based peer production.
Yurii Kyparus
Yurii Kyparus is the Co-Founder of Wallchain. He has a background of Google and Meta.
Lucy (Sinacola) Lock
Lucy (Sinacola) Lock is the Director of Operations at Strangelove Ventures. She is a graduate of Northeastern University and the Massachusetts College of Mathematics and Science.
Gina Moon
Gina Moon is General counsel at Paradigm and former General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at OpenSea. She previously worked at Facebook and Uber. Gina Moon is a graduate of Columbia Law School.