Seth Hertlein

VP & Global Head of Policy at Ledger


Seth Hertlein is Vice President and Global Head of Policy at Ledger and previously was Head of Government & Policy Relations at the Stellar Development Foundation. He is a graduate of Ohio State University and holds an MBA from Wright State University and a J.D. from Ohio State University.

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Justin Rice

Justin Rice is Vice President of Ecosystems at the Stellar Development Foundation. He graduated from Harvard University in the United States.

Ian Petras

Ian Petras is the head of marketing at Aurora Labs and previously was a senior marketing executive at Ledger. He is a graduate of Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Uppsala University in Sweden and Stockholm School of Economics.

Rudy Kadoch

Rudy Kadoch is the Chief Builder of Nested. His previous role was as a Market Researcher and Analyst at Ledger, a cryptocurrency security company. Rudy earned a Master's degree in Data Science, Mathematics and Computer Science from CentraleSup¨¦lec, as well as a Master's in Computer Science from Universit¨¦ Paris Dauphine. He also holds a Programme Grande Ecole degree with a major in Data Analytics and Corporate Finance from ESSEC Business Schoo

Eric Larcheveque

Eric Larchev¨ºque is a co-founder of Ledger, a Bitcoin security company. He initially founded La Maison du Bitcoin, which merged with BTChip and Chronocoin in 2014 to become Ledger. He stores more than 1,000 bitcoins on his personal Ledger Nano. As a serial entrepreneur since 1996, Eric has founded several companies in various sectors across Europe. In 2013, he discovered Bitcoin and the blockchain technology, which he saw as the fourth industrial revolution. He then opened La Maison du Bitcoin, the French Bitcoin Center, before co-founding Ledger with the ambition to create the next European technological giant

Daniel A. Casanas

Daniel A. Casanas is Director of investments at the Stellar Development Foundation. He is a graduate of Duke University in the United States and the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom.

Ricardo Da Ros

Ricardo Da Ros is the CEO of Patex. He was ex-Head of Brazil at Binance &

Frank Caligiuri

Frank Caligiuri is the senior vice president of sales at Unchained and previously was Ledger's senior sales director for the Americas. He is a graduate of Diesel University.

Jed McCaleb

Jed McCaleb is the founder of Stellar, Mt. Gox and Ripple, and he has been involved in and witnessed many of the major events in the history of Bitcoin. He also founded Vast, an aerospace startup. In addition, he is also the founder of the world's first P2P sharing software eDonkey.

Oleg Andreev

Oleg Andreev is the CEO of Tonkeeper and was previously the Protocol Architect for Stellar Development Foundation and the Protocol Architect for Interstellar. He was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and lived in Paris for many years.

Pascal Gauthier

Pascal Gauthier is the Chief Executive Officer at Ledger. He began his career at Kelkoo, a price comparison service acquired by Yahoo for EUR 475 million in 2004. He then moved to the advertising company Criteo in 2008, where he worked for five years as COO, being instrumental in the pivot to advertising, which led to the company's global expansion and a EUR 2.17 billion market capitalisation. Prior to being CEO at Ledger, Pascal worked as a Venture Partner at Mosaic Ventures, a London-based venture capital firm focused on Series A stage companies. Pascal is also the non-executive chairman of Kaiko, a financial data website on Bitcoin.