Manan Patel

Cofounder at Neynar


Manan Patel is the co-founder of Neynar and previously was a senior software engineering manager at Coinbase. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and Nirma University.

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Xingchen Liao

Xingchen Liao is the head of engineering at Sei Network and was previously a software engineer at Uber. He holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California.

Carly Nuzbach Lowery

Carly Nuzbach Lowery is founder and CEO of Gateway 21 and former chief compliance officer of Copper. He holds a BA from Georgetown University and a JD from George Washington University Law School.

David J. Namdar

David J. Namdar is the general partner of Coral DeFi. He was previously the vice president of AU21 Capital, partner of Galaxy Digital, and partner of Abound Capital. David is a cryptocurrency investor and entrepreneur, and was a founding partner of Galaxy Digital and SolidX Partners. He has over a decade of international business and financial market experience, and has been involved with a wide range of businesses from startup to large corporations. He has investment expertise in private and public equities, derivatives and foreign currencies and in using fundamental and quantitative analysis to invest on a global basis. In addition, he has significant expertise in digital currency investments, blockchain technology, and the emerging decentralized economy. He previously was with Millennium Management and served as the head trader and technology analyst for an equity relative value portfolio team. David has a bachelor’s degree in finance and international business from the USC Marshall School of Business and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

Ron Bernstein

Ron Bernstein was CEO of Paradex before it was acquired by Coinbase. Fascinated with the convergence of the internet, peer-to-peer trading, sports betting and prediction markets, he founded Intrade in 2000, and Tradesports in 2003. Intrade went on become the world’s leading prediction marketplace until the platform's closure in 2015. Ron became fascinated by "Blockchain" in 2014 and became an advisor to in 2015 (a prediction market protocol built on top of the Ethereum blockchain). Next steps were forming Augment Partners, a technology company working to build sound financial business models in the growing world of decentralized trading. The development of digital currencies, more blockchains and decentralized software systems continues to fuel his interest in trading, prediction markets, and token economies, and how they may be applied in the real world to benefit everyday life. AugmentPartners' first commercial product release was a peer to peer, non-custodial erc20 token exchange called Paradex .

Spencer Yang

Spencer Yang is the CEO and co-founder of, an NFT infrastructure company with products such as NFT Hub, NFT APIs, and He is also the Venture Partner of Press Start Capital, a fund focused on Web3, gaming, and entertainment. Previously, Spencer worked on product at Coinbase, where he was responsible for retail derivatives, DEX, securities, and wallets. He also led growth, revenue, and operations at CoinMarketCap, and navigated the company's acquisition by Binance. Spencer has founded two companies that were acquired: Hashtag Capital and KeyReply. He is an angel investor and has a background in product management, growth, and operations.

Jayson Hobby

Jayson Hobby is the founder and CEO of Legend and was previously the CEO, Vice President of Product, and Head of Design at Compound Finance. Previously, he worked at Coinbase, Uber, Upperquad, and Fantasy. He graduated from the University of Oregon.

Antonio Juliano

Antonio Juliano is the founder of dYdX. He was previously a software engineer at Coinbase, Uber, and MongoDB.

Daniel Que

Daniel Que is Software Engineer at Coinbase. A student of everything worth learning. Previously co-founded CryptoFin.

Paul Delio

Paul Delio is the Head of Business Development at CARV and previously served as Business Development Manager at Pocketful of Quarters. He graduated from the University of Southern California.

Allen Ng

Allen Ng is the founder and CEO of EVG, and the co-founder of Kikitrade, a Crypto social investment platform.