Kelvin Fichter

Software Engineer at Optimism


Kelvin Fichter is a software engineer at Optimism who has contributed to the entire Optimism stack, including smart contracts, client code, documentation, protocols, and many other parts along the way. He previously worked at Oraclize and Omisego.

smartcontracts.eth (✨🔴_🔴✨)

Influence Index 1339
Followers 32.9 K
Following 592
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Relevance Person

Ben Jones

Ben Jones is a co-founder of Optimism and a former blockchain associate at Underscore VC. He holds a BA in Physics and Mathematics from Northeastern University.

John Mardlin

John Mardlin, Jon Maurelian is Security engineer at Optimism PBC, and a founding member of ConsenSys Diligence. He is a regular writer and speaker on smart contract security. Prior to joining ConsenSys, John worked at Coinbase.

Amanda Jacobsen

Amanda Tyler is the Head of Marketing for Optimism and was previously the Director of Community for Polygon and Manager of Developer Relations at Google.

Liam Horne

Liam Horne is co-founder of ETHGlobal and former CEO of Optimism. Previously, he co-founded L4 Ventures, where he used in-depth crypto economy research to build core infrastructure and help develop key Web 3 projects.

Vivian (Wei) Tao

Vivian (Wei) Tao is Head of Global Partnerships at Optimism and was previously a PrimeDAO contributor. She graduated from the University of Michigan.

Will Meister

Will Meister is a former software engineer at Flexa and former Vice President of Engineering at Optimism, with a deep background in software engineering, finance, Ethereum and the Bitcoin blockchain.

Karl Floersch

Karl Floersch is the CEO at Optimism. He is a passionate enthusiast of Ethereum, Casper, Cryptoeconomics, blockchain, open source, and meditation.

Ben Edgington

Ben Edgington is the Lead Technology Program Manager at OP Labs and previously was the Lead Product Manager at ConsenSys. He graduated from Cambridge University in England.

Jinglan Wang

Jinglan Wang is the Co-Founder of Optimism. Previously, she was involved with Handshake, the MIT Bitcoin Club, NASDAQ, and IDEO.

Prithvi Subburaj

Prithvi Subburaj, COO of Optimism, previously held software engineering leadership roles at Google, where he most recently managed the business for wireless subscription service Google Fi after more than 15 years at Google. He is a graduate of Stony Brook University.