John Scianna

Venture Partner at Ventures


John Scianna is a venture partner at Ventures and previously held positions at Nifty's and Qtum Quantum Chains. He is a graduate of the University of Florida and the University of Manchester.


Pre-Seed -- $ 3 M
Mar 08
-- -- $ 2.8 M
Oct 26, 2021
Followers 3.22 K
Following 1277
Top Followers

Relevance Person

Stella Kung

Stella Kung is the Managing Partner of Ventures and the Co-founder of PANONY.

Aris Koliopoulos

Aris Koliopoulos is the Co-Founder & CTO at Rated Labs

Christina Oshan

Christina Oshan is General counsel at Anagram and previously was co-founder and general counsel at Maul Media. She is a graduate of the University of Florida and Emory University School of Law.

David Tran

David Tran is a partner at IDG Blockchain. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Florida.

Ricky Tsang

Ricky Tsang is the Chief Information Officer at Meex and formerly served as CIO at BC Group. He graduated from the University of Manchester.

Larisa Barbu

Larisa Barbu is the COO of Exchange Art and previously was a technology business analyst at Eurostar. She graduated from Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Horia Stanciu

Horia Stanciu, co-founder of Exchange Art and Code Canvas, is a graduate of the University of Manchester, UK.

Thomas DelCharco

Thomas DelCharco is Head of ecological Growth at Camp Network and previously was BD Director at SCRIB3. He graduated from the University of Florida.

Jeffrey Yang

Jeffrey Yang is the Co-founder & CMO at Lumoz. He has previously worked as a Marketing Manager at ZKSwap, 6Block, and the Qtum Foundation.

Alessandro Rietmann

Alessandro Rietmann is co-founder and CTO of Bitfinity Network and previously was co-founder and CTO of thnk AI, an artificial intelligence company. He has a master's degree in computer science from Cambridge University.