Jack Kearney

Co-Founder at Turnkey


Jack Kearney is the co-founder of Turnkey and previously served as CTO of Polychain. He graduated from Oberlin College.

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Relevance Person

Sam Rosenblum

Sam Rosenblum is a Partner at Haun Ventures. Previously, he was a Partner at Polychain Capital, Director of Business Development at Coinbase, Global Strategy Associate at Visa, and Analyst at Lake Partners Strategy Consultants. He obtained his B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he was a part of the UCLA Honors College and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.

Will Kantaros

Will Kantaros is the co-founder of Decent and a research partner at Archetype. He is a graduate of Brown University and Phillips Academy.

John Mardlin

John Mardlin, Jon Maurelian is Security engineer at Optimism PBC, and a founding member of ConsenSys Diligence. He is a regular writer and speaker on smart contract security. Prior to joining ConsenSys, John worked at Coinbase.

Amanda Jacobsen

Amanda Tyler is the Head of Marketing for Optimism and was previously the Director of Community for Polygon and Manager of Developer Relations at Google.

Sid Ramesh

Sid Ramesh is a product manager at Coinbase and previously worked as a protocol specialist at Dharma Labs. Sid Ramesh was the CEO and Founder at Chainguru, a small consultancy that specializes in education, research and development for making Blockchains accessible to businesses and consumers. He’s a resident expert on Enterprise Blockchains and consensus protocols.

Patrick O'Grady

Patrick O'Grady is the founder of commonware and was previously VP of Engineering at Avalanche and a software engineer at Coinbase. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer science from Stanford University.

Khurram Dara

Before joining Bain Capital Crypto, Khurram worked on the public policy team at Coinbase. A capital markets lawyer by training, Khurram has helped crypto projects navigate the legal and regulatory landscape since 2017, with a focus on tokens, DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs. He was previously general counsel at Fluidity, the team behind AirSwap and prior to that practiced law at Orrick, where he worked with crypto projects as outside counsel. He began his legal career at Cahill Gordon & Reindel and is a graduate of Columbia Law School. Outside of work, Khurram enjoys playing soccer with friends and watching his beloved Buffalo Bills.

Katherine Minarik

Katherine Minarik is chief legal officer at Uniswap, and previously she was vice President of Legal at Coinbase. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Jacob Phillips

Jacob Phillips is a co-founder of Lombard and was previously head of Operations at Perennial and a researcher at Polychain Capital. He is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University.

Luke Pearson

Luke Pearson is a research cryptographer at Polychain Capital, specializing in blockchain protocols. He works on the technical aspects of projects and protocols related to the next generation of technology, with expertise in ECC, protocol design, smart contract development, decentralized finance, and more. Previously, he worked as a cryptographer at the Dusk Foundation, researching decentralized communication technology. He received his education in Applied Mathematics from the University of Groningen.