Elliscope F.

Co-Founder at NAVI Protocol


Elliscope F. is the co-founder of NAVI Protocol. He graduated from the University of Southern California.

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Following 2041
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Paul Delio

Paul Delio is the Head of Business Development at CARV and previously served as Business Development Manager at Pocketful of Quarters. He graduated from the University of Southern California.

Thomas Scaria

Thomas Scaria is the Co-founder and CEO of Lore. He previously worked at Polychain Capital as an Entrepreneur In Residence. He graduated from the University of Southern California.

Teddy Knox

Teddy Knox is a Senior research engineer at EigenLayer and was previously Head of engineering at Duality and a senior software engineer at LinkedIn.

Allen Ng

Allen Ng is the founder and CEO of EVG, and the co-founder of Kikitrade, a Crypto social investment platform.

Brian Tsang

Brian Tsang is the former Head of Product and data at Rarible, who has also been a product manager at Uber and a data analyst at LinkedIn. He graduated from the University of Michigan and Hopkins University.

Christina Shu

Christina Shu is the Co founder of Arch Labs, a fintech company specializing in derivatives in the crypto market. Shu holds a degree from the University of Southern California.

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun is a co-founder of Nest Wallet and was previously a data scientist at LinkedIn and Google. He graduated from the National University of Singapore and Northwestern University.

Nihar Neelakanti

Nihar Neelakanti is the Co-founder and CEO of Ecosapiens. He graduated from the University of Southern California.

Robbie Heeger

Robbie Heeger is President & CEO at Endaoment. Formerly, Manager - Production Operations, Technical Producer at Apple.

Ethan Lippman

Ethan Lippman is the founder of Ebisu and was previously a product manager at EthSign.