Elizabeth Kukka


Elizabeth Kukka was previously Vice President of Business Development at ChainSafe and Vice President of Operations at Pngme. She has also worked at Ethereum Classic Labs and DFG. She is a graduate of San Francisco State University.

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Erik Yang

Erik Yang is a managing partner at Fundamental Labs and previously served as chief technology officer at DFG and Ethereum Classic Labs.

Bob Summerwill

Bob Summerwill is Executive Director for the ETC Cooperative and has been working full-time on blockchain projects since late 2015. He worked on Ethereum and Hyperledger in earlier years, followed by a switch to Ethereum Classic and a belated Bitcoin orange-pilling. He has a growing interest in privacy projects. Bob has been programming since 1984 and as a professional software engineer since 1996 (primarily working on AAA video games). Originally from the UK, he has lived in Vancouver since 2003, and is now a dual citizen of Canada and the UK. He was foundational in the creation of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, working full-time on that project for ConsenSys from October 2016 to October 2017.

Priom Chowdhury

Priom Chowdhury is Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer at ChainSafe, Founder of AirBookin. Shaping the world with technology.

Aidan Hyman

Aidan Hyman is the Co-Founder and CEO of ChainSafe Systems. He taught himself web development and is a strong advocate for open source projects and code. Moreover, Aidan is a Certified Scrum Master and oversees all of ChainSafe's operations. For fun, Aidan enjoys reading about economic theory while wearing homemade Linux hats.

Austin Abell

Austin Abell is formerly Software developer at NEAR Protocol and Technical Lead at ChainSafe Systems. Ugraded go-ethereum classic Atlantis and Aghara hard forks; Developed Ethermint, EVM on Tendermint, with support for existing Ethereum dev tooling; Led a team to build Forest, a Rust Filecoin node implementation.

Gregory Markou

Gregory Markou is Blockchains and stuff at ChainSafe Systems.

David Ansermino

David Ansermino is CTO at ChainSafe Systems. The two biggest challenges in computer science are cache invalidation, naming things and off by one errors.

Zhixiong Pan

Zhixiong Pan is the founder of ChainFeeds and the former research director of Chain News. He has a technical background and was formerly an Internet product manager. He has been interested in topics such as Ethereum, Layer 2, privacy technology, and DeFi for a long time.

Angela Tong

Angela Tong currently serves as the CMO of Jsquare.Angela Tong has nearly a decade of experience in the media industry, having served as Editor-in-Chief and Partner at Golden Finance. She then joined CapitalN as CEO and Fairyproof Tech as COO. Angela Tong received her undergraduate degree from Capital Normal University.

Yaz Khoury

Yaz Khoury is the Head of Developer Relations at Celestia.