Alex Malkov

Co-Founder at HAQQ Network


Alex Malkov is the co-founder of HAQQ and graduated from Saint Petersburg State University.

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Relevance Person

Stanislav Bazylevich

Stanislav Bazylevich is the founder and COO of He graduated from St. Petersburg State University.

Alex Malkov

Alex Malkov is the Co-Founder at Islamic Coin. He also is the Legal Advisor at Brighty. He graduated from Saint Petersburg State University.

Vladimir Tikhomirov

Vladimir Tikhomirov is the founder of Algebra.Finance and Rubic Finance. He graduated from St. Petersburg State University.

Juliet Su

Juliet Su is a partner at NewTribe Capital. She graduated from St. Petersburg State University.

Alexander Zaidelson

Alex Zaidelson is CEO of SCRT Labs, former Chief Business and Data Officer of VirtuSwap, and CEO of Beam. He holds a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from St. Petersburg State University and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.

Alex Borutskiy

Alex Borutskiy is the co-founder of iMe Lab. He is a graduate of St. Petersburg State University, the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies and the Northwest School of Economics.

Nick Avramov

Nick Avramov is a co-founder of Symbiosis Finance, a cross-chain engine and liquidity protocol. He is also an advisor to 0xMarketing, and has previously held positions as Chief Marketing Officer at and Competitive Intelligence Analyst at Spektr. Nick has a Master in Management Exchange program degree from IE Business School and a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Saint Petersburg State University. His main professional goal is to help companies and start-ups become data-driven and utilize growth hacking techniques, thereby aiding businesses in their growth.

Sergei Motov

Sergei Motov is the cyber Fund's general counsel. He graduated from the University of Central Lancashire, St. Petersburg State University and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.