Abhi Raheja

CMO at Caldera


Abhi Raheja is the CMO at Caldera, having previously been the CMO for Cyber and Link3. He is a graduate of Ryerson University.

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Jake Choi

Jake Choi is the CEO and co-founder of Whitewater Labs, and previously he was the head of Korean Marketing at Cyber and the Web3 developer community manager at BNB Chain.


kevin is the community director for Cyber and Link3. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and Washington University in St. Louis.

Roy Shen

Roy Shen is the head of Growth at CyberConnect and Link3 and is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley.

Nazih Kalo

Nazih Kalo is a senior Data scientist at Phantom and previously was the Head of Data Science at CyberConnect. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago and the University of California, Berkeley.

Yilan Huang

Yilan Huang is Head of Global Development at CyberConnect and head of Content and marketing at link3, having previously worked at Bertelsmann and WWF. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong at the University of Warwick.


peiwen is the technical lead for Cyber and Link3. He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Parker Jou

Parker Jou is the Co-founder of Caldera.He graduated from Stanford University.

Zhimao Liu

Zhimao Liu is the co-founder of CyberConnect and previously worked as a software engineer at Google. He is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, Columbia University, and the University of Iowa.

Ricky Wang

Ricky Wang is the BD Lead of CyberConnect. He is a graduate of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Guise School of Business.

Matt Katz

Matt Katz is the co-founder of Caldera and a graduate of Stanford University. He has held internships in software development at Skiff, Fractal, and Warp.