RootData App has been newly upgraded with features such as Token Unlock data. [Click here to download]



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Nifty's is an NFT-focused social media platform that brings together premium publishers, brands, and creators with collectors, curators, and the communities of fans that emerge around them. It offers an easy-to-use interface, allowing members to create, collect, discover, and curate the most important digital art and other collectables from the NFT universe. Leveraging MEME Protocol's technology, Nifty's provides creators with a premium, powerful, flexible, and safe platform to launch their NFTs.

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Significant Events

Aug 03, 2023

Nifty's announced that it would shut down

Jul, 2021

Nifty's raised $ 10 M in Seed round

Mar, 2021

Nifty's completed a Pre-Seed round