Horizo​​n Blockchain Games

Game studio and blockchain infrastructure company


Horizon Blockchain Games is committed to providing billions of people with easy and secure access to this new dimension of Web3, so that everyone can own, use, and enjoy digital assets. They are providing developers with the tools to build the next generation of Internet economies and experiences, where both users and creators share in the value generated by the networks they participate in. To make this a reality, Horizon Blockchain Games has two amazing products: Sequence and Skyweaver.

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Significant Events


Horizo​​n Blockchain Games raised $ 40 M in Series A round


Horizo​​n Blockchain Games raised $ 4.5 M in Pre-A round


Horizo​​n Blockchain Games raised $ 5 M in Seed Plus round


Horizo​​n Blockchain Games raised $ 3.75 M in Seed round