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L1D is investing in web3 protocols, infrastructure and crypto native managers. The average check size for direct investments is between $1.5 million and $7 million per project.
Managing Partner & COO
Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Managing Partner
Investment Partner
Head of Operational Risk
Research Lead
Investment Research
Decentralized lending-borrowing protocol
The on-chain ecosystem for structured credit
Decentralized collective funding early stage longevity research
Blockchain infrastructure and services provider
All-in-one analysis platform
Smart account standard for SVM
Decentralised biotech protocol
A perpetual, oracle-free options protocol
Cross-chain bridge aggregation protocol
Crypto payments service provider
Transforming the financial services industry using blockchain
Node Operators & Developers Infrastructure
Crypto market maker
Sports fighting game
Multicoin Capital is a thesis-driven investment firm that invests in cryptocurrencies, tokens, and blockchain companies.
1kx is an early-stage fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks.
Castle Island is a venture capital firm focused exclusively on public blockchains. They invest in infrastructure and application companies that will enable these transformative protocols to power services for the next billion users.
Aug 08, 2023
L1D Raised $152M for Second Crypto VC Fund
5 Rounds
4 Rounds
3 Rounds
2 Rounds