Getting Started with the RootData API
Please ensure that you comply with the relevant terms of use and restrictions when using the API, and provide appropriate attribution and citation where applicable.

1. Search for Project/VC/People
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Search project/VC/people brief information according to keywords, unlimited times.
- Supported versions: Basic, Plus, Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
query | string | true | Search keywords, which can be project/institution names, tokens, or other related terms. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | int | Unique Identifier |
type | int | 1 Project; 2 Organization; 3 Person |
name | string | Name |
logo | string | URL of the logo |
introduce | string | Introduction |
rootdataurl | string | Corresponding RootData link. |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query": "ETH" }'
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "introduce": "Ethereum is the first decentralized...", "name": "Ethereum", "logo": "", "rootdataurl": "", "id": 12, "type": 1 } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
2. Get projects
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain project details according to the project ID, 2 Credits/times.
- Supported versions: Basic, Plus, Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The APIKEY you applied for |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
project_id | int | false | The unique identifier for the project. If both `project_id` and `contract_address` are provided, `project_id` takes precedence. |
include_team | bool | false | Whether to include team member information, default is false. |
include_investors | bool | false | Whether to include investor information, default is false. |
contract_address | string | false | Ethereum chain contract address, optional parameter. If the `project_id` parameter exists at the same time, the `project_id` parameter takes precedence. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
project_id | int | Project ID |
project_name | string | Project Name |
logo | string | The URL of the project logo. |
token_symbol | string | Token symbol |
establishment_date | string | Establishment date |
one_liner | string | A brief introduction. |
description | string | Detailed introduction |
active | boolean | true: Operating; false: Stopped operating |
total_funding | decimal | Total financing amount |
tags | array | Project tags (array of tag names) |
rootdataurl | string | The RootData link corresponding to the project. |
investors | array | Investor Information |
social_media | array | Social media link |
similar_project | array | Similar projects |
ecosystem | array | Project's associated ecosystem (array, ecosystem name, not distinguishing between testnet and mainnet) PRO |
on_main_net | array | Actually, online network (array, ecological name) PRO |
plan_to_launch | array | Plan to launch the network (array, ecological name) PRO |
on_test_net | array | Launch the test network (array, ecosystem name) PRO |
contract_address | string | Token contract address PRO |
fully_diluted_market_cap | string | Fully diluted market capitalizationPRO |
market_cap | string | Market capitalization PRO |
price | string | Price PRO |
event | array | Major Project Events PRO |
reports | array | News dynamic data PRO |
team_members | array | Team Member Information PRO |
token_launch_time | string | Token issuance time yyyy-MMPRO |
support_exchanges | array | Supported exchanges include (exchange name, exchange logo) PRO |
heat | string | X Hotness Value PRO |
heat_rank | int | X Popularity Ranking PRO |
influence | string | X Influence PRO |
influence_rank | int | X Influence Ranking PRO |
followers | int | X number of fans PRO |
following | int | X followers PRO |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project_id":8719, "include_team":true,"include_investors":true }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "ecosystem": [], "one_liner": "Building hardware for cryptography", "description": "Fabric Cryptography is a start-up company focusing on developing advanced crypto algorithm hardware, especially building special computer chips for Zero-knowledge proof technology.", "rootdataurl": " Cryptography?k=ODcxOQ==", "total_funding": 87033106304, "project_name": "Fabric Cryptography", "investors": [ { "name": "Inflection", "logo": "" } ], "establishment_date": "2022", "tags": [ "Infra", "zk" ], "project_id": 8719, "team_members": [ { "medium": "", "website": "", "twitter": "", "discord": "", "linkedin": "" } ], "logo": "", "social_media": { "medium": "", "website": "", "twitter": "", "discord": "", "linkedin": "" }, "contract_address": "0x00aU9GoIGOKahBostrD", "fully_diluted_market_cap": "1000000", "market_cap": "1000000", "price": "1000000", "reports": [] }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
3. Get VC
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain VC details according to VC ID, 2 Credits/times.
- Supported versions: Basic, Plus, Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The APIKEY you applied for |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
org_id | int | true | Institution ID |
include_team | bool | false | Whether to include team member information, default is false. |
include_investments | bool | false | Whether it includes investment project information, default is false. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
org_id | int | Organization ID |
org_name | string | Organization Name |
logo | string | URL of the organization logo |
establishment_date | string | Establishment time |
description | string | Detailed introduction |
active | boolean | true: Operating; false: Stopped operating |
category | string | Type |
social_media | array | Social media links (official website, Twitter, LinkedIn) |
investments | array | Investment projects (array, including name, logo) |
rootdataurl | string | The RootData link corresponding to the institution. |
team_members | array | Team member information (array, including name and position) PRO |
heat | string | X Heat Value PRO |
heat_rank | int | X Popularity Ranking PRO |
influence | string | X Influence PRO |
influence_rank | int | X Influence Ranking PRO |
followers | int | X number of fans PRO |
following | int | X followersPRO |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"org_id":219,"include_team":true,"include_investments":true }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "org_id": 219, "team_members": [ { "name": "Shan Aggarwal", "position": "Head" }, { "name": "Jonathan King", "position": "Principal" } ], "logo": "", "description": "Coinbase Ventures is an investment arm of Coinbase that aims to invest in early-stage cryptocurrency and blockchain startups.", "rootdataurl": " Ventures?k=MjE5", "org_name": "Coinbase Ventures", "category": [ "Seed Plus" ], "investments": [ { "name": "zkSync / Matter Labs", "logo": "" } ], "establishment_date": "2018", "social_media": { "website": "", "twitter": "", "linkedin": "" } }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
4. Get People (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain the people details according to the people ID, 2 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API KEY you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
people_id | long | true | Character ID |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
people_id | long | ID |
introduce | string | Character Introduction |
head_img | string | Avatar |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
X | string | X link |
people_name | string | Character name |
string | LinkedIn |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"people_id":12972, "include_team":true,"include_investors":true }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "people_id": 12972, "introduce": "Cai Wensheng, also known as Mike Cai, is the founder and chairman of Meitu.", "head_img": "", "one_liner": "", "X": "", "people_name": "Cai Wensheng", "linkedin": "" }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
5. Get Invetsor info in batches (Plus, Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get detailed VC information (portfolio, data analysis, etc.) in batches, 2 Credits/times.
- Supported versions: Plus, Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
page | int | false | Page number, default 1 |
page_size | int | false | Number of items per page, default is 10, maximum is 100. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
area | array | List of regions |
last_fac_date | string | Recent investment time |
last_invest_num | int | Number of investments in the past year |
invest_range | array | Investment scale |
description | string | Investor Introduction |
invest_overview | object | Investment Overview |
type | int | Type: 1 Project 2 Organization 3 Person |
investments | array | Foreign investment projects |
establishment_date | string | Establishment date |
invest_num | int | Number of investments |
invest_stics | array | Investment Landscape |
invest_id | int | Investor ID |
team_members | array | Team member information |
logo | string | Investor Logo |
invest_name | string | Investor Name |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"page":1,"page_size":10}'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "items": [ { "area": [ "Singapore", "United Arab Emirates" ], "last_fac_date": "2023-10-12 00:00:00", "last_invest_num": 25, "description": "Binance Labs is the...", "invest_overview": { "lead_invest_num": 38, "last_invest_round": 25, "his_invest_round": 141, "invest_num": 171 }, "type": 2, "investments": [ { "name": "zkSync / Matter Labs", "logo": "" } ], "establishment_date": "2017", "invest_num": 171, "invest_stics": [ { "track": "Infrastructure", "invest_num": 69 } ], "invest_id": 229, "invest_range": [ { "lead_invest_num": 11, "amount_range": "1-3M", "lead_not_invest_num": 17, "invest_num": 28 } ], "team_members": [ { "head_img": "", "name": "Yi He", "X": "", "position": "Head" } ], "logo": "", "invest_name": "Binance Labs" } ], "total": 1 }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
6. Get Fundraising rounds in batches (Plus, Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get fundraising rounds (only supports 2022 to present) in batches, 2 Credits/times.
- Supported versions: Plus, Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
page | int | false | Page number, default 1. |
page_size | int | false | Number of items per page, default is 10, maximum is 200. |
start_time | string | false | Financing announcement date (start) yyyy-MM |
end_time | string | false | Financing announcement date (end) yyyy-MM |
min_amount | int | false | Minimum financing amount (in USD) |
max_amount | int | false | Maximum financing amount (USD) |
project_id | int | false | Project ID |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
logo | string | The URL of the project logo. |
name | string | Project Name |
rounds | string | Round Name |
published_time | string | Financing announcement date |
amount | long | Funding amount (USD) |
project_id | int | Project ID |
valuation | long | Valuation (USD) |
invests | array | Investment entity information array, including Logo and Name. |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "total": 2870, "items": [ { "amount": 2500000, "valuation": 30000000, "published_time": "2023-10", "name": "Convergence", "logo": "", "rounds": "Pre-Seed", "invests": [ { "name": "C² Ventures", "logo": "" } ] } ] }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
7. Synchronous Update (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain a list of projects updated with data within a unit time, 2 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
begin_time | long | true | Start time, timestamp |
end_time | long | false | End time, timestamp |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | int | ID |
type | int | 1: Project; 2: Institution |
name | string | Data names corresponding to Type types. |
update_time | long | Update time, timestamp |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"begin_time":1693974909261,"end_time":1694476800000,}'
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "update_time": 1693974909261, "name": "Ethereum", "id": 12, "type": 1 } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
8. Top 100 Popular Projects (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get the list of Top100 hot projects and their basic information, 10 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
days | int | true | Only supports querying data for the past 1 day/7 days, 1 or 7. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
project_id | long | Project ID |
eval | double | Heat value |
rank | int | Ranking |
logo | string | Project Logo |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
token_symbol | string | Token |
project_name | string | Project Name |
tags | array | Project tags (array of tag names) |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"days":1}'
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "eval": 907.936508, "project_id": 13671, "one_liner": "Hemi Network is a modular Layer...", "logo": "", "rank": 1, "token_symbol": "", "project_name": "Hemi Network", "tags": [ "Infra" ] } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
9. X Hot Projects (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get the current list of X hot projects, 10 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
heat | boolean | true | X Trending Chart |
influence | boolean | true | X Influence Ranking List |
followers | boolean | true | X Fan Count Rankings |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
heat | array | Popularity Ranking |
influence | array | Influence Ranking |
followers | array | Fan Ranking |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"heat":false,"influence":true,"followers":false}'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "influence": [ { "score": "5615", "project_id": 3875, "one_liner": "Cryptocurrency exchange", "logo": "", "project_name": "Coinbase" } ] }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
10. X Popular Figures (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get the current list of hot people in X, 10 credits/time.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
page | int | false | Page number, default 1 |
page_size | int | false | Number of items per page, default 10, maximum 100. |
rank_type | string | true | "Ranking type 'heat' or 'influence'" |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
people_id | long | ID |
score | string | Popularity value / Influence index |
head_img | string | Avatar |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
people_name | string | Character name |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"page":1, "page_size":100,"rank_type":"heat" }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "total": 1000, "items": [ { "people_id": 13994, "score": "86", "head_img": "", "one_liner": "", "people_name": "Jieyi Long" }, { "people_id": 13185, "score": "66", "head_img": "", "one_liner": "", "people_name": "Katie Biber" } ] }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
11. People Position Dynamics (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get dynamic data on prople positions, 10 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
recent_joinees | boolean | true | Recently joined the company. |
recent_resignations | boolean | true | Recent resignation. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
recent_joinees | array | Recently joined. |
recent_joinees | array | Recently joined. |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"recent_joinees":true, "recent_resignations":true }'
Successful request example
{ "data": { "recent_resignations": [ { "people_id": 17262, "head_img": "", "company": "Kraken", "people_name": "Curtis Ting", "position": "VP & Head of Global Operations" } ], "recent_joinees": [ { "people_id": 17316, "head_img": "", "company": "HTX", "people_name": "Test", "position": "CTO" } ] }, "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
12. Newly issued tokens (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get a list of newly issued tokens in the past three months, 10 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
No Data |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
project_id | long | Project ID |
project_name | string | Project Name |
logo | string | Project Logo |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
token_symbol | string | Token symbol |
hap_date | string | Time of the incident |
market_cap | string | Market capitalization |
fully_diluted_market_cap | string | Fully diluted market capitalization |
exchanges | string | Exchange |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "fully_diluted_market_cap": "23372320.99", "market_cap": "0", "project_id": 12062, "one_liner": "Decentralized AI Agent Public Chain", "exchanges": ",KCEX", "logo": "", "hap_date": "2024-09-18", "token_symbol": "AGENT", "project_name": "AgentLayer" } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
13. Ecosystem Map (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get ecosystem map list, 50 credits/time.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | The required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
No Data |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
ecosystem_id | long | Ecological ID |
ecosystem_name | string | Ecological Name |
project_num | int | Number of projects |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "ecosystem_name": "Ethereum", "ecosystem_id": 52, "project_num": 2158 } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
14. Tag Map (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Get tags map list, 50 credits/time.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
No Data |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
tag_id | long | Tag ID |
tag_name | string | Label name |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "tag_name": "Bug Bounty", "tag_id": 52 } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
15. Get Projects based on Ecosystem (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain project information in bulk based on ecosystem, 20 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, default is 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
ecosystem_ids | string | true | Ecological ID, multiple ecologies separated by commas. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
project_id | long | Project ID |
project_name | string | Project Name |
logo | string | Project Logo |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ecosystem_ids":"52,54"}'
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "project_id": 2297, "one_liner": "Crypto bug bounty platform", "logo": "", "project_name": "Immunefi" } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
16. Get Projects based on Tag (Pro)
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Obtain project information in bulk based on tag, 20 credits/times.
- Supported versions: Pro
Request header
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
apikey | string | true | The API key you applied for. |
language | string | false | Required language version (for example: 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese, defaults to 'en') |
Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
tag_ids | string | true | Tag ID, multiple ecosystems separated by commas. |
Response field
Parameters | Type | Description |
project_id | long | Project ID |
project_name | string | Project Name |
logo | string | Project Logo |
one_liner | string | Introduction |
Request example
curl -X POST -H "apikey: Your APIKEY" -H "language: en" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tag_ids":"100,101"}'
Successful request example
{ "data": [ { "project_id": 2297, "one_liner": "Crypto bug bounty platform", "logo": "", "project_name": "Immunefi" } ], "result": 200 }
Example of a failed request
{ "data": {}, "result": 404, "message": "error message" }
Error handling
- 110 Authentication Failed: Authentication failed.
- 400 Bad Request: The request parameters are invalid or missing.
- 403 Forbidden: Access denied, insufficient remaining credits.
- 404 Not Found: No matching information found.
- 410 High visit frequency: Your access frequency is too high, please wait one minute before resetting.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Internal server error
Authentication and Access Restrictions
This API requires an application and cannot be accessed directly. Each API key has a request limit of 30 times per minute.