Kurt Hemecker


Kurt Hemecker is chief executive officer of the Mina Foundation and was previously chief of staff at Diem Networks. He holds a master's degree in computer science from Stevens Institute of Technology.

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Kurt Hemecker (httpz) 🪶🐺

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Ricky Moezinia

Ricky Moezinia is currently building Ritual, an AI infrastructure company. Previously, he built Alta, a fintech company, worked as a software engineer on Novi and Diem (ex Libra) at Facebook, and as a quant at Point72. He advises and invests in startups through Leo Capital.

David Wong

David Wong is a co-founder of Zksecurity, previously a senior cryptography engineer at O (1) Labs and a security engineer for the Facebook blockchain project.

Ali Aghareza

Ali Aghareza is the co-founder and CTO of Meso.

Dante Disparte

Dante Disparte is the Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Global Policy for Circle, a leading digital financial services firm building the most trusted treasury and payments infrastructure for the internet. Prior to joining Circle, Dante served as a founding executive of the Diem Association, leading public policy, communications, membership, and social impact. He has two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, business leader and global risk expert, most recently as founder and CEO of Risk Cooperative, a strategic risk advisory and insurance brokerage based in Washington. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School and holds an MSc. in Risk Management from the NYU Stern School of Business and a B.A. in International and Intercultural Studies from Goucher College. He is the co-author of “Global Risk Agility and Decision Making” (Macmillan, 2016) and was recognized as one of the 40 leaders under 40 by the Washington Business Journal and in the inaugural Powermeter 100 list.

Guillermo Angeris

Guillermo is a Stanford lifer (BS, MS, and PhD in Electrical Engineering). He spends most of his work time in a dark corner of a room, figuring out random math problems for fun. He also loves to work with teams to model many of the weird (and fascinating) incentives in DeFi and beyond. Outside of work, Guillermo likes to cook pizza, hike, and have long, silly conversations with friends over wine.

Abhinav Vora

Abhinav Vora is the co-founder and CEO of Hyperline. He was previously the head of engineering at Lyft Pink and a software engineer at Meta and Microsoft. He graduated from RMIT University.

Sahil Thaker

Sahil Thaker is the co-founder of Hyperline and previously worked at Microsoft, Uber, and Meta. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Oakland.

Mind Apivessa

Mind Apivessa is the co-founder of Station Labs, previously held positions at Meta and IBM. He graduated from Cornell University in the United States.

Pranay Mohan

Pranay Mohan is the Co-Founder and CEO of Nomad. Ex-Product Manager at Celo, and Ex-Developer Relations at 0(1) Labs.

Yurii Kyparus

Yurii Kyparus is the Co-Founder of Wallchain. He has a background of Google and Meta.